Thursday 13 May 2010

meat meat meat

hello, well, the c:o/minx meeting was really fun as we went to the closing celebration party for GI in the Pollok cricket soon as we walked in the club house we were confronted with a table of meat products which turned out to be a raffle...we didn't buy any tickets, just some beer which we placed on top of the pretty hideous and badly varnished spam and egg coasters!!! (made of real spam and egg, yes!!)

there was a really good band playing, but i've no idea what they were called, and then there was some pinjata action served against a quite attractive pink paper mache pig, and then at the end of the night, the raffle was given this time we had inherited a number of raffle tickets from other folk who had left and first we won a pie in a tin, then we won a box of gravy granules, then a tin of corned beef, then some frazzles...

i'm a vegetarian

anyway, back to taking over the world with my scribbling....i need to get these animations for the schools finished and get back to my own work - it's weird how jobs come along like a big gust of wind and blow me off track - i really need to get myself some anchors and/or steel underpants tout suite!

toot toot x

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