Monday, 23 May 2011

here is the long awaited May update!!!

well........long awaited by me anyway - not sure about you guys, hee hee...

anyway, i don't know what's been buzzing round my head for the past month disabling my blogs, but let's hope it's buzzed off now - i've had a fair bit to say too and i've done lots of drawing, but somehow for whatever reason i've been unable to blog it out there - mince!

so, deep breath, here goes......i decided quietly to myself, probably due to the 28 drawings later escapade in february, that i would upload a drawing a day over the next year, so feb is done, march is done and i've finally just uploaded april - may is going to be up next week already, as it will be june, eek, eek and triple eek!

i've also uploaded some photos of props i made for a 15 second animation tv sting to flickr

what else have i been up to? errrrr, um... oh yeah - i'm going to be at free hetherington zine fair event on thursday 2nd june, 3-7pm, with a bunch of my iamconsumer booklets, a few postcards and a small selection of prints all for sale if anyone fancies coming along to check it out

i've also been working on getting the new web site for glasgow independent studio & glasgow project room up and running - there are still quite a number of gremlins to iron out, but it is actually live now, phew!

another thing i did that was brilliant once i'd done it, but was one of the most scariest experiences i've had in a very very long time (being a proper mature grown up i tend to steer clear of all scary challenges, i just do straight forward non-threatening challenges usually) - but here was me, in front of a camera for the bbc, undertaking a screen test!!! yes, indeed! i was showing off my 'on-screen presence' and art skills for the chance to possibly be the new tony hart for an on-line educational resource for teachers - to be honest, i was so much more like rolf harris!!!

i've got my fingers crossed for this job - it would indeed be a dream come true for me to be the new tony hart or rolf harris - i would love so much to do that, but it's been a couple of weeks and i've not heard back so my happy little cheeks are beginning to deflate sightly with each day unfortunately....

ocht, not to worry - i can always just come round your house and do it live instead!



  1. You can come round to my house and DO IT LIVE anytime!!



  2. Seriously, you'd be perfect for the job as the new Miss Rolf Hart.
    Fingers crossed!

  3. I love your new character, Best of luck Miss Rolf!

  4. hee hee, kids love water! and pirates, and dirt, and bum squirts...hee hee! thank ee kindly, youse two is me bestest ship mates x
